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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or provide an explanation in the Comments to the Editor).
  • Submit your file in Microsoft Word format. We suggest using Word's built-in styles to structure the text and format the headings. There are no layout requirements (font, spacing, etc.), since the journal's team will carry out this task.
  • The text is in English or Spanish.
  • The article must include a title of no more than 80 characters, an abstract of no more than 200 words, and between 4 and 7 keywords. The editorial team will suggest how to translate them into English or Spanish, as applicable.
  • All illustrations, figures and tables should be placed in the appropriate places in the text, instead of at the end. In addition, the source should be indicated or if they are the author's own work.
  • The bibliography should be included at the end of the article and should contain all the sources that were consulted and that were relevant. Whenever possible, each reference should include its DOI or URL. We suggest using the Microsoft Word reference manager (see "References" tab, "Citations and Bibliography" group). Quotations must include page numbers. References to jurisprudence of Chilean courts should include in a footnote the bibligraphic citation according to the format used in
  • In a separate document, include the names of all authors, their institutional affiliation, city of residence, country and e-mail address. Please include ORCID codes for each author; if you do not have one, you will need to register . You may also mention research projects and you may include acknowledgements. If case of co-authorship, participation must be declared according to the CRediT taxonomy available at . In case artificial intelligence has been used, the author must disclose the name and website of the artificial intelligence, the date of the query, the text of the query, and the extent to which the author has incorporated the answer given by the artificial intelligence. Declare if authors have o do not have conflicts of interest (e.g., economic, institutional or personal) with respect to the text submitted to the journal.
  • The minimum suggested length for Articles is 4000 words. The maximum suggested length for Case Summaries is 4000 words. There is no suggested length for Reviews and Research Notes and Essays.
  • Authors must abide by the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity:
    The journal's editorial team will use iThenticate software to detect cases of plagiarism.

Author Guidelines

Conflicts of interest
In the case of authors or texts with a secondary (usually economic, institutional or personal) interest, the author must expressly mention his/her possible conflicts of interest at the time of submitting the manuscript to the journal.

All texts submitted to the journal must be unpublished, and they will be reviewed using the iThenticate software to detect potential cases of plagiarism.

Texts published in the "Articles" section will be subject to external double blind peer review.
Texts published in the sections "Case Summaries", "Research Notes and Essays" and "Reviews" will not be submitted to blind peer review.

Charges and fees
Submitting your work to our journal incurs no charges or fees whatsoever. This includes exemption from submission fees, editorial processing charges, article processing charges, page charges, color charges, and any other related expenses.


Peer reviewed articles.

Case Summaries

Case summaries, without peer review.

Research Notes and Essays

Research Notes and Essays, without peer review.

Book Reviews

Book reviews, without peer review.

Privacy Statement

Personal information (e.g. names and e-mail addresses) submitted to this journal will not be provided to third parties.